Woke up to news early this week, IBM X-Force hacked a Building Automation System using a combination of common vulnerabilities. Based on the report IBM produced, here is what happened.
3 min read
Guess who Just Hacked a Building Automation System?
By Smart Buildings Academy on Feb 17, 2016 12:31:04 PM
Topics: Security building automation systems Building Controls cybersecurity
1 min read
Yet Another BACnet Explorer- My Favorite BACnet Library
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jan 19, 2016 7:45:35 PM
This is quite possibly going to be my shortest blog post ever. When I am coding integrations I often have to use a BACnet library. Because I can't share my production library that I use for my "company code", I had to find another library that I could use for any code I share online. Because I like C# and .NET for a variety of reasons I had to really dig to find a C# BACnet library.
Topics: BACnet Library building automation systems BACnet BACnet/IP
3 min read
What are The Green Rating Programs For Buildings -Part 1
By Smart Buildings Academy on Sep 13, 2015 9:52:04 PM
This is the first of two articles that discuss what are the green rating programs for buildings.
When I say green what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you think buildings? If so why not?
In case you haven't heard, there's been a push around creating Green, sustainable, net-zero buildings. The "Green Building" craze that has come about over the past ten years and only now are the green rating programs for buildings starting to catch on. Therefore I can't really fault you if you're not completely up to speed.
Topics: Energy Green Programs building automation systems LEED
8 min read
How to Optimize Your Building Systems
By Smart Buildings Academy on Aug 30, 2015 9:21:27 PM
How to Optimize Your Building Systems
Well it's good to be back!
Topics: building automation systems Building Controls integration optimization
3 min read
Top 5 IT Certifications for those in Automation
By Smart Buildings Academy on Sep 2, 2014 2:26:47 PM
Let’s face it our field is moving closer and closer to converging with IT. We have witnessed the birth of open protocols, the conversion from client-server to true web-based systems and now we are witnessing the transition to big data analytics and cloud based software solutions. As our industry further converges with IT and other fields we need to be aligning our skill set to be ready for the future. With that being said I am laying out the Top 5 IT Certifications for those in Automation (with one tie along the way). that you should pursue if you are going to be staying in this industry for the next 5-10 years.
Topics: building automation systems it Information Technology
13 min read
The Hows, Whys, and Whats of Remote Access to Your BAS
By Smart Buildings Academy on Aug 26, 2014 2:51:11 PM
I recently received an e-mail question via the Contact Phil Section of my blog. I enjoy writing articles for my blog but I enjoy even more when I get interaction from my readers.
The question posed by my subscriber is pertinent to so many people that I felt it deserved to be posted in its entirety.
Topics: VPN building automation systems Building Controls cybersecurity
8 min read
BAS Hacking 101: Scan and Enumerate
By Smart Buildings Academy on May 16, 2014 12:30:24 PM
BAS Hacking 101: Scanning and Enumeration
In the BAS Hacking series I am diving deep into the bowels of building automation networks and systems! I am going to take you through the full process of exploiting a system so that you can better understand the thought process of your attackers. The series consists of 4 articles:
Topics: building automation systems Building Controls cybersecurity
6 min read
Why the BAS of the Future Will not Have Controllers
By Smart Buildings Academy on May 11, 2014 1:25:57 PM
I'm gonna tell it to you straight, BAS controls are changing! Multiple technology systems have gotten away from the proprietary controller model and if buildings are ever going to be truly intelligent than BAS systems need to do the same. In this article I will discuss what I see as the BAS of the Future and how I see it impacting our industry.
Topics: building automation systems it Building Controls
3 min read
IoT Mobile ThermoStats
By Smart Buildings Academy on Apr 5, 2014 2:36:33 PM
In my new role I have the privilege of leading my company's partnerships and alliances with the world's top technology companies . One of the buzzwords that keeps coming up especially with the recent announcement from Cisco is the "Internet of Things" or the IoT.
Topics: building automation systems IoT it Building Controls
3 min read
Do People have a Clue What to Do with IoT?
By Smart Buildings Academy on Mar 14, 2014 6:28:06 AM
I come across all these beautiful articles around the Internet of Things (IoT) filled with graphics, network diagrams, and a generic finger reaching out to touch some translucent screen in the distance. As if a finger, some Adobe Photoshop items, and a network diagram are all we need to make the IoT work...