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This is quite possibly going to be my shortest blog post ever. When I am coding integrations I often have to use a BACnet library. Because I can't share my production library that I use for my "company code", I had to find another library that I could use for any code I share online.  Because I like C# and .NET for a variety of reasons I had to really dig to find a C# BACnet library.

What is My Favorite BACnet Library

After a lot of searching I found the Yet Another BACnet Explorer on Sourceforge. While the main purpose of YABE is to provide a BACnet explorer. I like to utilize YABE for its BACnet/IP Library.

YABE comes with two packages. Package 1 is the explorer itself. The explorer is a Windows Web Form application that allows you to work through a tree of BACnet objects. Package 2 is the source code and Visual Studio solution. If you have Visual Studio Community you can download the Solution File and YABE source.

From here you can:

  1. Create a BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device) to allow you to talk BACnet across multiple subnets.
  2. Create a BACnet/IP Server or BACnet/IP Clients.
  3. Add BACnet functions Who-is, Subscribe-CoV, ect.
  4. Create and/or modify the Standard BACnet objects (Values, Schedules, Trends, Alarms)

If you are looking to extend your application into the Commercial Building space I highly recommend you look into BACnet. to BACnet/IP . What is your favorite IoT and Smart Building software libraries?

Let me know in the comments below.

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