Hey folks, Phil Zito here and welcome back. In today's post, we're going to be talking about sales.
9 min read
How to Identify Sales Opportunities in a Crowded Market
By Smart Buildings Academy on Aug 25, 2022 5:00:00 AM
Topics: Building Automation System building automation bas sales Sales smartbuildings strategies circle method
10 min read
Certificates and Certificating Authorities for BAS
By Smart Buildings Academy on Aug 23, 2022 5:00:00 AM
In this post, we’re going to be talking about what is happening here in building automation world called certificates. Now you're seeing this at the server and supervisory layers. So, you're seeing supervisory devices and field controllers requiring certificates. You're seeing things like BACnet Secure Connect coming out with certificating requirements. If you've logged into almost any building automation system that's been released over the past year, you've probably seen an option for secure connections, usually something to the form of HTTPS with TLS 1.2 or 1.3.
Topics: Building Automation System building automation smartbuildings encryption certificates HTTPS TLS
20 min read
How Do I Get a Job in Building Automation?
By Smart Buildings Academy on Aug 19, 2022 5:00:00 AM
In this post, we're going to be asking a question that I've been seeing pop up all over the place, which is: How do I get a job in building automation?
Topics: Building Automation System building automation smartbuildings BAS Training jobs lab kits
15 min read
Smart Building Project Management and Oversight
By Smart Buildings Academy on Oct 14, 2020 4:24:29 PM
Over the past couple weeks, I have been getting a lot of questions around Project Management. That’s why I released a Project Management episode, and that led to questions surrounding, “but what about owners”. What do owners do from a project management perspective?
Topics: building automation smart buildings
5 min read
The non-techie guide to API's
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 16, 2017 6:00:52 AM
I get asked a lot lately, "What is an API?"
You'd think this would be something you could Google and be done with, but the problem is, apparently no one has told the folks writing all the API articles that the folks reading the articles don't know what API's actually are!
Well, if that's you, you're in luck! This article assumes zero IT knowledge. I will take you through what an API is in such a way that almost anyone can understand it.
Topics: building automation smartbuildings Information Technology
4 min read
So you're new to BAS... here's what to do!
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 15, 2017 6:00:43 AM
I still remember when I started my career in BAS. It was February 1st 2007 and I had no business being in the BAS world. I've told this story before so I'll keep it brief.
Essentially I was leaving the US Navy and needed a job. I had the options of interviewing at a soap factory, glass factory, or Alerton BAS dealer.
Topics: building automation Building Controls
7 min read
Article exposes the top 3 criteria for BAS trend capabilities
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jul 4, 2016 6:00:54 AM
Did you know that there is an analytics package built into your BAS?
Would you like to ensure that you have the ability to look at the historical performance of your BAS?
Does the thought of sifting through hundreds, maybe even thousands of data-points seem more painful than a root canal?
If so, don't worry, in this article I'm going to help you pin down the key capabilities you need to effectively implement a trending strategy. This is the fourth article in a 10-part series on how to evaluate your building automation systems.
Topics: building automation Building Controls
5 min read
The Critical Alarm functionality most specifications don't address
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 27, 2016 6:00:27 AM
Are you overwhelmed with how fast the BAS market is changing?
Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with systems and how to evaluate them?
Are you looking for an easy way to consistently evaluate BAS's that is vendor neutral?
If so you are in the right spot. This is the third article in a 10-part series on how to evaluate your building automation systems.
Topics: building automation Building Controls
11 min read
4 things you didn't know about IT networks
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 20, 2016 6:00:35 AM
What's a Network?
Hey BAM Nation,
This is the second article in the Building Automation IT Guide series.
In my last article, All About IP Addresses, we discussed core fundamentals about IP Addressing, Subnets, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and Domain Name Servers. In this article, we are going to begin to unpack the mysterious network!
Topics: building automation Information Technology Information Technology
7 min read
Evaluating Graphics won't be hard anymore after you read this
By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 13, 2016 6:00:44 AM
Are you overwhelmed with how fast the BAS market is changing?