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3 min read

Top 5 IT Certifications for those in Automation

By Smart Buildings Academy on Sep 2, 2014 2:26:47 PM

Topics: building automation systems it Information Technology
6 min read

SQL Commands that Pimp Out Your BAS!

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jul 4, 2014 7:13:02 AM

In my previous article I discussed the fundamentals of SQL and provided an overview of SELECT, the first of the four main SQL commands. In this article, I will cover some beginner/intermediate topics:

  • Sub-queries
  • Joins
  • Table Creation
Topics: sql Database Information Technology
4 min read

Learning SQL: The One Language That Keeps On Giving

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 11, 2014 8:57:05 PM

You need to learn SQL, not tomorrow, not in a few hours. You need to learn SQL right now! The good news is SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, isn't that hard to learn.

Topics: sql Database Information Technology
3 min read

Do People have a Clue What to Do with IoT?

By Smart Buildings Academy on Mar 14, 2014 6:28:06 AM

I come across all these beautiful articles around the Internet of Things (IoT) filled with graphics, network diagrams, and a generic finger reaching out to touch some translucent screen in the distance. As if a finger, some Adobe Photoshop items, and a network diagram are all we need to make the IoT work...

Topics: building automation systems design IoT Information Technology
5 min read

Everything You Need to Know About HL7 and Healthcare Informatics

By Smart Buildings Academy on Feb 28, 2014 8:19:00 AM

It's been a while since I last posted and I have been up to quite a bit. One of the areas I have dug into is Healthcare Information Systems. In the past I mainly interacted at the facilities level so to gain visibility into what happens on the clinical and surgical side of the business has been quite interesting. In this post I am going to pull back the curtains on HL7 (think XML for Healthcare) and describe the various aspects of healthcare informatics! Are you ready to learn all you need to know about HL7 and Healthcare Informatics?

Topics: healthcare hl7 integration Information Technology
3 min read

2 Database Technologies in 2 Minutes

By Smart Buildings Academy on Nov 26, 2013 10:14:01 PM

Big Data is in the vogue. As a business leader, technology enthusiast, or aspiring technologist you need to be aware of the different database technologies what they can accomplish and how they align with your business needs. This article is by no means an exhaustive look at databases but rather a 30,000 foot flyover to help you familiarize yourself with an ever-expanding solution set. This was originally going to be called 5 database technologies in 5 minutes but the article started to get really large and I decided to split the article up.

Topics: databases Information Technology
7 min read

How to Hack a Building Automation System

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jul 28, 2013 1:48:11 PM

I just finished reading two interesting articles about hacking BAS systems and thought I would share my thoughts with all of you on how a BAS could be used to hack a building. First off, we still have some educating to do around BAS as a whole in the industry. Reading through Brian Prince's article at Dark Reading titled Google Building Management System Hack Highlights SCADA Security Challenges brings to mind one of the first areas in which we need to educate our IT counterparts.

Topics: cyber security building automation systems it Information Technology
4 min read

Network Fundamentals

By Smart Buildings Academy on May 4, 2013 8:36:39 PM

Networks, they are the lifeline of modern systems and they are the bane of many owners and contractors! I'm not going to solve world hunger with this article but I will promise that you will leave here with a the Network Fundamentals that you need in order to do your job!

Topics: networks it Information Technology
2 min read

Proper Network Design Part 1

By Smart Buildings Academy on May 3, 2013 12:59:59 PM

Identifying Your Network Needs

When someone purchases an automobile, they usually do so to meet a specific need. The same is true with a network. This article gives you the top 5 areas to consider when performing network design:

Topics: network it Information Technology
7 min read

What is the TCP/IP Stack

By Smart Buildings Academy on May 3, 2013 11:28:06 AM

Topics: it Protocols Information Technology