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5 min read

Will Interoperability Destroy A Hospital's Network?

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jan 28, 2015 7:38:14 PM

Today, I had the privilege of attending a one-day seminar put on by IHE USA. IHE, which stands for Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise is one of a few select groups like HL7 that is working towards creating a standardized data exchange framework. I believe, based on my experience as a solution architect designing technology for healthcare environments, there is a chance that interoperability will destroy a hospital's network. There are a multitude of factors as to why I believe this...

Topics: healthcare Information Technology
5 min read

Everything You Need to Know About HL7 and Healthcare Informatics

By Smart Buildings Academy on Feb 28, 2014 8:19:00 AM

It's been a while since I last posted and I have been up to quite a bit. One of the areas I have dug into is Healthcare Information Systems. In the past I mainly interacted at the facilities level so to gain visibility into what happens on the clinical and surgical side of the business has been quite interesting. In this post I am going to pull back the curtains on HL7 (think XML for Healthcare) and describe the various aspects of healthcare informatics! Are you ready to learn all you need to know about HL7 and Healthcare Informatics?

Topics: healthcare hl7 integration Information Technology