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7 min read

Energy Efficiency Where to Begin? Identify Part 2

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 18, 2013 8:05:56 AM

In the previous article of the Energy Efficiency Where to Begin series, I began to discuss how to identify the key information you need to plan, create, and implement an Energy Management Program. In this article I will explain the last two points you need to identify and will summarize the identify step. 

Topics: Energy energy
4 min read

Energy Efficiency Where to Begin? Identify Part 1

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 6, 2013 8:10:59 PM

Energy Efficiency Where to Begin? Identify Part 1


In the previous article of the Energy Efficiency Where to Begin series. I identified the 50,000 foot view of energy management and the overarching themes of an effective energy management program. In this article we begin to take a detailed look at an effective energy management system.

Topics: Energy building automation systems energy
4 min read

Energy Efficiency Where to Begin?

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 5, 2013 6:13:35 AM

In this article I will discuss the fundamentals of energy efficiency and "where to begin". I have been blessed, truly blessed, to have a role where I literally travel the United States and Canada meeting with companies around their need to reduce energy consumption. The consistent theme seems to be inconsistency. Now stop and think about what I just said there. The industry, in regards to Energy Efficiency is fragmented.

Topics: Energy building automation systems energy